
French Baloney by Dave ‘Forever’ Young

Poem written by Dave Young: French Baloney Please remember, don’t forget, The principle of supply and demand is a sure bet. Another is the freedom of speech, That all politicians and religions should preach. The people and media have a right to their views, Even those sitting on boards or church pews! The public have …

Poem written by Dave Young:

French Baloney

Please remember, don’t forget,

The principle of supply and demand is a sure bet.

Another is the freedom of speech,

That all politicians and religions should preach.

The people and media have a right to their views,

Even those sitting on boards or church pews!

The public have the right, to their choice,

And every one can express their own voice.

Newspapers may publish whatever they like,

But the public can tell them to take a hike.

They don’t have to buy what they don’t want,

If papers and magazines, have no sales, there’ll be no-one to taunt.

So the media has to be careful what they write, say or do,

Because supply and demand affects me and you!

The world can’t be ruled by a bunch of fanatics,

Who use mass destruction and terrorist tactics!

Fanatics shouldn’t pay attention to media poking fun at them,

Because that simply means they become part of the problem.

Taking hostages, looting, violence and committing homicide

Is all part of fanatics, hell bent to commit suicide!

If they don’t want to live, they should let others be,

So the rest of us can live in perfect harmony.

No God will ever sanction their cruel acts,

God may not agree with a bunch of hacks,

But no-one deserves the treatment of the French press,

Leaving all nations in a state of distress!!!

We sympathize with those left behind to suffer

For them life, will be a whole lot tougher.

We pray for God to change the fanatics mind,

And instead make them gentle and kind!!!

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