
Poor service at municipal offices

No amount of arguing was going to change her mind.

Angela Latta (email)

As I have relocated to the area, I went to the customer services at the municipal offices on Christiaan de Wet Road, Florida Park on Thursday 23 October to hand in a change of address form at the Traffic Department.

I joined the queue at 10:50am and when I got to the counter at 11:25am, the cashier asked if I had a copy of my ID. I knew this was necessary, as there is a notice on the window stating that no transactions would be done without an ID. I

told her I had my ID with me. She replied that she needed a copy of my ID as she does not have time to run around making copies.

She proceeded to direct me to a place where I could go and have a copy made. This would have entailed having to go back to my car and travel some distance to have the copy made and then return with the copy. I could not believe what I was hearing, when there was a photo copying machine standing just behind her.

Needless to say, no amount of arguing was going to change her mind, so I left without having changed my address.

When I got home, I tried calling someone in authority to complain about the service. The response to my calls was that “there is no one you can talk to”.

I would be happy if you could bring this matter to the attention of the Traffic Department, Florida Park, as this kind of service is absolutely unacceptable. I am a pensioner and I just dread having to go and stand for hours in a long queue again.

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