It’s a make me kinda poem

JOBURG – A reader writes a poem in commemoration of Women's Month.

Make me a woman of love

Make me a woman who carries your word with dignity and selflessness

Make me a woman whose desires are no longer hers but yours Father

Make me your burdened children’s mother who feeds them life

And denies them death through her silence

Make me a woman whose tongue is tamed and whose lips are mute to words that kill

Make me a woman who knows that everything under the heavens has its time

Make me a woman who knows that only You can conquer any battle and that whatever has been conquered is by Your strength and nobody else’s

Make me a woman worthy of being loved by your son whom you’ve groomed and you’ve taught to be the head of our household

A respectable woman whose knees are burning with the desire to have a one on one with You

Make me a woman who puts you first

Make me a woman who doesn’t willingly turn into a pillar of salt but always looks forward to the goodness of Your presence

Make me a woman who acknowledges her body as Gods temple and finds conviction in it being a stumbling block to her fellow brothers in Christ

Make me your reflection!

Editor’s note: Poem published unedited.

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