Response to Councillor Suzanne Clarke’s comment

Raymond Martin ANC Zone Five Communications Officer (emailed):

We have noted with serious dismay the comments made by Councillor Suzanne Clarke to an article written by Brenda Beckett.

We agree with you Ms Beckett that your area should be well kept and maintained, however our concerns at this point are with the statements made by Councillor Suzanne Clarke. Statements such as “an official told me that the service delivery money has been used to campaign for the ANC” attributed to Councillor Clarke cannot be left unchallenged.

This statement is not only false but is a desperate attempt to mislead the public. We challenge you today Councillor to present any evidence including the so-called official confirming that indeed the above statement is true. We are not in any way taking away your right to criticise the ANC but to peddle such lies is not only mischievous but smacks of ignorance to say the least. To make such statements, as a long serving councillor, clearly shows that you unfortunately do not understand the operations of the organisation that you serve.

Just a month or two ago, you went to all extremes to evict an elderly man, bringing along the police, claiming that you were acting in your capacity as a councillor. However, you fail to ensure that City Parks services the area that you are responsible for. Madam Councillor please get your priorities right – servicing your area is the reason you were elected and not evicting vulnerable people.

You have a responsibility as a councillor to make responsible statements and to lead by example as an elected public representative.

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