
Vagrants endanger Kelly Ridge residents

Pleas for help from police fall on deaf ears.

Concerned and frightened Kelly Ridge resident writes:

I would like to bring to the attention of the councillors and Metro police the huge problem of vagrants in the Kelly Ridge area, particularly in the forest “reserve” along Christian de Wet Road to President Fouche Road.

There are so many vagrants who have moved into the area. The dumping and refuse problem addressed in the last issue of the Roodepoort Northsider is mostly caused by them. We hear them cutting down trees every morning and evening and they make fires. Goodness knows what is going to happen in the dry winter. We hear the shouting and screaming and drunken fights every weekend.

They roam around our area during the day and at night checking out all the properties and they boldly look through gates and fences and try to disarm electric fence alarms.

Our lives are at risk as well as our properties, possessions and pets – dogs have been abducted and eaten! What rights do we as rate payers and property owners have in this matter? Who is responsible for this area which was once a bird sanctuary and is now fouled with refuse, and the stream is polluted.

Police, when notified, have shown absolutely no interest at all. How do we get our area to be safe and clean again? What about the elderly people who live in Golden Harvest 2 – the vagrants sleep right outside their gates as well – they are greatly at risk.

We appeal to authorities in this area to do something urgently before great tragedies happen.

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