
Dear Santa, hear our nation’s cry

This Christmas, Cliff Buchler wishes for a different kind of gift.

Cliff Buchler (email)

Must be going through my second childhood, because I keep having flashbacks of Santa Clause and the nervous anticipation when putting my hand into the enlarged pillowcase on Christmas morning. Moments indelibly imprinted on the mind. In my fantasy Santa was a very special person. Rode in a sled pulled by reindeers. And no matter what you asked him, he somehow came up with the goodies.

Nowadays my fantasy has changed a tad. Probably the age thing. Santa now rides around in a space craft and touches down on other planets. I’ve already e-mailed him my request before the seasonal rush . To find us another Madiba. A person who would get this country out of the jam caused by a crooked and dumb leadership. Someone who would again light the flame of reconciliation, tolerance and good governance. He’ll probably have to scour other planets, because sadly, here we don’t have anyone in the wings.

In the the pillowcase Santa must also jam politicians who are honest and unselfish and who fulfil promises that will benefit all sections of society, with emphasis on the poor.

Added to this he must include business leaders who would come up with ideas to create more employment. Santa must insist directors put less in their own pockets and rather spread it among the workers.

While he’s about it, Santa must bring along religious leaders who are willing to swop archaic and impractical beliefs for a package without labels that will spread happiness and joy among their adherents, and a spirit of love and tolerance. With no fanatical wars and no terrorism in the name of religion. On the side of his space ship the banner “Make love, not war”.

I’ll probably be pushing it by requesting him to add some magic muti for flatulence, stink feet, post nasal drip, gout, arthritis, in-grown toenail and lower back pain. Oh, and for failing memory.

What am I writing about?

Oh, yes, my Santa who in my first childhood was a simple, poor man, so the gifts were hand made with wood. Like the steam train without steam, and the tricycle that had to be kept out of the rain lest it shrunk. But to me they were the greatest.

Can’t wait to put my hand into this year’s pillowcase.

Fantasy? Probably, but a nice one, hey?


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