Palm Court Shopping Centre grubby and unkempt

Reader berates Palm Court on the state of their shopping centre.

Frances Jansen van Vuuren of Weltevreden Park writes:

I was pleasantly surprised to see the extensive upgrade of the Devon Valley Shopping Centre in Weltevreden Park. A very much needed project. Now let us hope that the owners of Palm Court see this and do something about their shopping centre. It looks grubby and unkempt.

A few suggestions for their to-do list.

1. Get rid of all the obsolete shop signs of businesses long gone.

2. Paint the building AND the lines in the parking area.

3. Put up gutters along the roof of the verandas to stop the shoppers from being drenched with the run-off.

I could go on, but that’s enough for them to get started on.

Palm Court centre management respond:

1. We will be revamping the Pylon, which will address this issue.

2. The parking lines have already been painted. The painting of the building will be attended to once the roof has been repaired, which the contractor is currently busy with and should be completed by 30 November.

3. Gutters and down pipes will be attended to when the roof revamp is completed.

We are confident of a stunning building after the building has been painted and in the meantime we fully appreciate every tenant’s patience during the time the roof is being repaired.

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