The SPCA should prosecute

A resident begs for resolve on animal abusers — where is the justice?

This is a very very sad story (Davidsonville dog eaten alive, 6 August 2013). I’m glad that there is no more pain for this poor angel. Rest in peace, little one.

We hear about and see pictures of animal abuse and to the average Roodepoorter it is very disturbing.

I am disappointed that we never hear or see that charges are laid against these animal abusers. Yes, I know the SPCA is here to help, but what is the outcome, Cattanach?

I feel that steps taken against these negligent and cruel owners should be more severe. Also, let the people see what steps are taken against them – how are they being sentenced?

What is being done about animals that are stolen to train for dog fighting or to use as bait?

I am an animal lover and it pains me to read about all the abuse but no follow up, no justice.

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