
The SPCA should prosecute

A resident begs for resolve on animal abusers — where is the justice?

This is a very very sad story (Davidsonville dog eaten alive, 6 August 2013). I’m glad that there is no more pain for this poor angel. Rest in peace, little one.

We hear about and see pictures of animal abuse and to the average Roodepoorter it is very disturbing.

I am disappointed that we never hear or see that charges are laid against these animal abusers. Yes, I know the SPCA is here to help, but what is the outcome, Cattanach?

I feel that steps taken against these negligent and cruel owners should be more severe. Also, let the people see what steps are taken against them – how are they being sentenced?

What is being done about animals that are stolen to train for dog fighting or to use as bait?

I am an animal lover and it pains me to read about all the abuse but no follow up, no justice.

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One Comment

  1. I feel certain that the SPCA does their best but their hands are always tied by ineffective laws pertaining to animals.
    What we need are more counsellors & municipal officials telling us lay people how we can go about getting laws changed in this country. We are already having to do everything ourselves because nothing is working properly despite us paying taxes so why not just tell us practically how to & get it over with? Let us start our own communities where we get things done properly. There is a tremendous lack of manpower & funds even with us paying our taxes pertaining to the judicial systems – all government systems in fact.
    Where is our money going? We need to be told the how to’s so that we can root out corruption so that our systems can work effectively because currently they simply are not & it’s not just with our animals, it’s crime & abuse towards women & children, unemployment, etc… etc…
    I have no more tears left to cry for what is happening to all our animals who are defenceless even against so called animal lovers – Glen Hatfield comes to mind.
    So many so called sophisticated human beings who make money off animals, it’s sickening. People who could afford to take animals in who won’t because they are too selfish. We live in the age of stupid when we have no excuses left to be that way – I spoke to someone I know the other day who told me they let their animal breed because the puppies are so cute. I am shocked someone can be that dumb. We have people volunteering to take care of animals whose own animals are not sterilised? For heavens sake!
    Even the police’s dog unit send animals not suitable to the SPCA for fostering.
    It’s an epidemic of stupidity & corruption that is causing all this pain & suffering needlessly! It’s time for everyone to become less apathetic & to hold those in power responsible for earning those high salaries – what are they doing to change things for the betterment of society & the communities they supposedly serve? Tell us practically how to get the job done for you as you are ineffective …. I feel ashamed & sorrowed to live in this day & age where we have no excuses for things to be the way they are & not everything in life should revolve around the love of money & improvement of oneself at the expense of others, our animals & our environment! What legacy will be left to our children, what kind of a world?

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