
OPINION: Olive oil: A natural skin food

Olive oil is an effective skin cleanser used for treating blackheads and pimples.

The skin’s natural oil is there for a reason. It protects, moisturises and ensures your skin is clean. When pores are clogged by dirt, dead skin and bacteria, your skin’s oil cannot do its job properly and blackheads and pimples develop.

Applying olive oil to your skin will assist in opening your pores; thereby allowing dirt, dead skin and bacteria to be removed. Olive oil contains antioxidants and vitamins and will leave your skin feeling refreshed and silky. It hydrates, balances pH levels and will assist in fading scars.

For maximum results, choose the highest quality extra virgin olive oil.


Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into a bowl.

Dip your fingers in it and rub all over you face moving in a circular motion, paying particular attention to problem areas.

Soak a clean wash cloth in hot water and place it on your face and let it sit for a moment to open up your pores.

Rinse out the wash cloth and repeat the process, but this time rub the wash cloth slowly over your face to remove as much oil as is possible.

Pat dry with a clean paper towel.

Within ten minutes the olive oil will have soaked into your skin and you can continue with your regular facial routine, only omit using your moisturiser. Do this every morning and every night.

Within a week, you won’t recognize your own skin.

Claire Brown is a natural remedy expert based in Northcliff.

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