OPINION: Cinnamon leaf oil as a natural lip plumper

Cinnamon oil will increase blood circulation in your lips dramatically, puffing them up and creating a full-bodied look.

Brush your lips with a soft damp toothbrush to remove any dead skin cells that make your lips look dull and flaky. The toothbrush will bring blood to the surface and make them slightly plumper. 

Mix a tablespoon of petroleum jelly or clear unscented lip gloss with two drops of cinnamon leaf oil in a small container. Rub onto your lips and wait for your lips to swell. This should create a tingling sensation; but not a burning one.  If it does burn, remove it and create a new mixture using only one drop of oil.

The balm is effective for only a few hours, and when you remove it your lips will lose their plumpness.

To make a nice lip scrub; mix one teaspoon of ground cinnamon with one tablespoon of olive oil. Add one tablespoon of salt or sugar. Apply to the lips and gently scrub in a circular motion. To get maximum plumping action, leave on lips for five to ten minutes. Rinse and gently pat dry. 

Caution:  Too much cinnamon can burn your lips and cause extreme irritation, so use it sparingly. First test your skin sensitivity on a less sensitive part of the body such as your wrist or back of the hand. NEVER ingest it.

Claire Brown is a natural remedy expert based in Northcliff.

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