Grade 11 learners from The King’s School Discovery talk about matric

Grade 11 learners from all over are gearing up for grade 12 and learners from a local school share their thoughts on the matter.

• Learners of The King’s School Discovery are sharing how they feel about going to grade 12:

“The idea of matriculating next year is quite overwhelming, as I am oblivious as to what is ahead of me. Overall though, I am excited about doing matric in 2024,” said Bogoshi Makola.

Bogoshi Makola. Photo: Supplied.

“Going to matric next year is one of the most exciting yet terrifying feelings I have ever experienced but I’m beyond excited to see what lies ahead for me,” added Danielle Graham.

Danielle Graham. Photo: Supplied.

“Heading into matric in 2024 is one of the most exciting but scary feelings one can feel. I am mentally and spiritually ready for the challenge ahead and I will always look to God in times of difficulties because I know with Him I can persevere and become the doctor I’ve always dreamed of becoming,” noted Keri Tachi.

Keri Tachi. Photo: Supplied.

“As I depart from grade 11 and enter matric, I find myself drowning in a pool of excitement but also a pool of fear. From grade one, the end goal was to matriculate, now that I am moments away from matric, reminiscing every event up until now I can’t help but wish time could slow down. Entering matric will probably be one of the biggest battles I will face because after that my high school career comes to an end, there will be no more ‘promoted to the next grade’, it stops at matric. Although I feel scared, I believe entering matric will be life-altering. Every challenge I have faced up until now has equipped me for what is to come, I look at matric as an opportunity to groom myself for the real world, to find myself, that is how I feel about matric,” stated Kayleigh van der Ross.

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