
Roodepoort Primary’s grade sixes talk about Grade Seven

Youngsters express their excitement about going to the next grade.

The Roodepoort Record visited Roodepoort Primary and had a chat with some of their grade sixes about their expectations for grade seven.

This is what they had to say:

• Tremaine Jacobs: “I feel so excited about going to grade seven, and I will make sure I also go to grade eight. I still have a long way to go, but I like school. I am also very nervous about going to grade seven, but I am sure I will pass. Hopefully, I don’t fail a grade.”

Tremaine Jacobs. Photo: Supplied.

• Mercy Singwane: “I feel excited about going to grade seven but also nervous because people will look up to me. I am excited to be a leader and have the opportunity to fulfill my responsibilities. I would be happy and proud to become a leader and meet all the people’s expectations.”

Mercy Singwane. Photo: Supplied.

• Jaylin Theron: “I feel a bit nervous about going to grade seven. I am a bit scared that I might not understand the work. Overall, I am happy and excited for the new grade and new challenges.”

Jaylin Theron. Photo: Supplied.

• Leyandré Fries: “I am excited but also nervous because I don’t know what to expect in grade seven. I want to make sure I take full responsibility by making sure I understand my work and by doing my best. I feel proud about going to grade seven.”

Leyandré Fries. Photo: Supplied.

• Morcello Johnson: “I feel so happy that I made it to grade seven and I am going to do my best to go to grade eight. If I pass, my mother will be so proud of me and my father will pray to God to be on my side.”

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