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Unlocking confidence and growth

Honeydew Toastmasters invites the community to transform their public speaking skills in a fun and supportive environment.

The Honeydew Toastmasters Club dedicates itself to being a positive platform for the community to unlock their full potential.

Through weekly meetings hosted on Mondays, members gather to improve their public speaking skills, build their confidence and develop leadership abilities in a supportive and encouraging environment.

According to the club’s president, Musa Mnguni, the club’s approach is centred around a learning experience where they can receive constructive feedback and learn from others.

“Experienced mentors and peers guide one another, helping them overcome fears as well, and these meetings have shown much improvement. We have seen an increase in this year’s meetings, and we are delighted to be a hub for improvement in our community.

“As members progress, we notice significant changes in how they speak, present themselves, and their communication skills. This is more than just a club for us; it’s a community for like-minded individuals united by a shared desire for self-improvement,” Musa said.

For more information on the Club, contact them on 083 297 2506.

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