RiverWel RA pushes on

The RiverWel RA is pushing forward with their activities in Weltevreden Park despite the winter chill.

The RiverWel Residents Association (RA) is making short work of their winter maintenance programme.

According to committee member Neville Burnett, painting of the numerous palisade fences that surround green belts throughout the area is progressing at a brisk pace, though it should keep them busy until just before their AGM, which is to be held in late September or early October.

“We have just one more major project in between,” he says, referring to their annual river cleanup, scheduled for September 8.

“Just how big a stretch we will tackle this year is entirely dependent on the number of residents that are willing to roll up their sleeves and help,” he adds.

Burnett notes that the painting and maintenance of the palisade fencing have in no way slowed down their other ongoing projects. The work team from the RA can be regularly seen conducting clean-up operations at various spots within the area.

The RiverWel RA committee has been hard at work in recent months. In addition to their many projects, they decided to officially join forces with The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse’s (Outa) JoburgCAN (Community Action Network) initiative, which endeavours to develop a groundswell of civil activity against poor and corrupt governance.

“We hope that many more RA’s decide to join this initiative to assist Outa in their noble efforts,” says Burnett.

“After our AGM the new committee will decide on the way forward with new projects of which there are a few.

“The new projects do of course need the support of the community which can help by becoming members and contributing to RiverWel RA, or even becoming active members, contributing to the committee.

Burnett has urged residents of Weltevreden Park who want to become involved with the RA, to contact him on 076 077 5585.

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