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Mandela Day at Wings of Inspiration

Local companies made a big showing at Wings of Inspiration on Mandela Day.

Mandela Day is a big day on the calendars of charities throughout Roodepoort, and for Wings of Inspiration’s Frail Care, there was no exception.

The charity runs two old age frail care centres in Helderkruin and the help they receive each year on Mandela Day goes a long way toward enabling them to adequately look after the elderly persons in their care.

According to the centre’s CSI manager, Kyle Heath, their facilities were brought into existence due to necessity.

“The need for a service such as ours is just so great that we felt compelled to expand from our traditional base in Randfontein,” he says, adding that they run various charitable facilities in Randfontein and Krugersdorp as well.

“The people in our care are approaching the end of their lives and we aim to support them through this inevitable stage with dignity and respect. Sadly, we see so many people simply dropping off their loved ones with us and barely ever visiting or having contact with them.

Residents Elizabeth Moore and Patty le Roux (front) with Wings of Inspiration staff Yvonne Lekgetho, Sandra Sibanda, Suzette Guy and Kyle Heath.

“Our facilities are set up in such a way that we create a family environment, which helps our residents immensely in this regard.”

Kyle and his dedicated teams of caregivers set up tables at each of the homes on Mandela Day, and as is the tradition, representatives from various companies and institutions paid visits during the day, bringing along generous donations.

“We’ve been so blessed,” says Kyle, adding “this day serves as the perfect opportunity for representatives from the various institutions to come and see first-hand what we do here, and to meet with our residents and staff.”

This year, the frail care centres received a myriad of donations ranging from food and treats for their residents to clothing, blankets, sanitary products, and even gifts aimed at keeping residents occupied with hobbies.

“We are so grateful for the ongoing support of our donors,” says Kyle.

“The difference they make to the lives of our residents is incalculable.”

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