FBW holds AGM

The Florida Block Watch committee is rearing to kick off another successful term.

The Florida Block Watch Annual General Meeting was held at Hoërskool Florida on June 18.

The main topics for the evening were the election of a new committee, as well as a vote to decide whether to change the FBW into a registered Non-profit organisation (NPO)

FBW chairperson John Kirsten welcomed residents to the meeting and wasted no time in getting down to business.

Kirsten thanked local security companies for their efforts in keeping the area safe, often going above and beyond what they are being paid for to assist residents, the police, and the FBW in the fight against crime and in helping to secure electricity infrastructure in Florida.

Kirsten continued by giving a short overview and update of the different projects of the FBW, including their progress in securing mini-substations within their area, before handing over to committee member Wim Schönfeldt, who gave a detailed account of the finances of the FBW.

The gathered residents voted unanimously in favour of registering the FBW as an NPO.

Voting for committee members also went smoothly. Despite goading from Kirsten, only two residents made themselves available for positions on the FBW committee.

Both were warmly accepted by the residents and existing committee members.

The new members are Divan Snyman and Grizelda Smith.

According to Kirsten, the committee will meet within the coming week to determine which positions each would take on within the FBW.

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