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Local charity fights hunger

Cynthia has her recipe for a low-cost four-person meal perfected that can be easily shared.

Local charity, The Loving Kindness Foundation, is locked in a fight against hunger.

According to founder Cynthia Swanepoel, it is shocking to discover how many people within the local community have to make do with very little sustenance.

“The problem is much more widespread than most people realise,” she says.

“Many people within the local community are simply too proud to admit that they do not have enough food to eat.”

Cynthia, who runs feeding schemes at among others, a local high school, has dedicated herself fully to providing healthy meals to school children, unemployed families, as well as elderly residents in the vicinity of Discovery and beyond.

“We know that food is costly, but we have devised a way in which we can ensure our beneficiaries get a nutritious meal without breaking the bank.”

Cynthia has perfected her recipe for a low-cost meal for a family of four that can be easily distributed.
“You simply add water and cook for an hour,” she says.

The meals consist of powdered soup mix, rice, and lentils, and come prepacked in a bottle.

To raise funds for her feeding efforts, Cynthia sells these ‘bottles of love’ at various weekend markets throughout the West Rand.

“I use the money from the bottles sold at markets, and I fund the rest myself. I am in the process of applying for a grant from the Department of Social Development so that I can expand the project.”

Cynthia currently feeds 250 children and about 15 unemployed families every day, but she cannot stay ahead of the growing need.

“I get at least 10 or 15 calls every day from people who are desperate for help. Unfortunately, it is not possible to help everyone, because the funds are simply not there.

“It is heartbreaking to see the desperation in people’s faces when they have children that are going hungry. Or the lost pride in the faces of the elderly who simply do not have the means to feed themselves adequately.

“I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that I provide food for everyone that I can.”

If you would like to purchase a Bottle of Love or contribute toward the efforts of Loving Kindness Foundation, contact Cynthia on 078 425 2538.

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