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RNW: Community service done right

The Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch runs a tight ship, keeping communities within their vast area safe.

The Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch (RNW) is one of the longest-running – and most successful – organisations of its sort locally.

It has been at the forefront of keeping the vast area (about 1 800 households) under its jurisdiction safe for the past 17 years, engaging in a multitude of projects ranging from emergency response and clean-up campaigns to neighbourhood patrolling initiatives and much more.

According to chairperson Andreas Oberlechner, the success of the RNW can be ascribed to, among others, the dedication of its members and the professional structure that the organisation has kept since early on in its formation.

“We are lucky to have several passionate professionals among our members,” he says. “These are people who are experts in their various fields, be it management, emergency services, fire services, safety and security, conservation, and much more.

“This, paired with how our structure works, which does not allow for ego or personality clashes to enter into the equation, has ensured that we can run a very strong and stable ship.”

So strong and stable that the RNW, about 10 years ago, managed to establish a permanent base of operations in the form of an OPS Room that is manned 24/7.

The RNW OPS Room is centrally situated at Ridgegate Shopping Centre in Wilde Amandel Avenue, Roodekrans.

“We permanently employ three fully trained, salaried radio call centre operators that man the phones and radios 24/7. This does not include part-time staff or volunteers. This means we are always at the ready to respond to any emergency, be it a veld fire, a car accident, or a crime incident.

“Our call centre is directly linked with the police as well as the various private security companies that operate in the area.”

The OPS Room also doubles as a central hand radio charging facility and a popular coffee stop for nightshift security and police officers.

In addition, the RNW has two fully equipped fire units which can be dispatched at a moment’s notice. According to Oberlechner, these fire units have come in handy, especially since there have been five house fires in their area just last year.

“All our staff and volunteers receive regular training including crime scene training, fire training, first aid up to Level 3, and more, and are well able to conduct themselves professionally at any emergency scene.

“This has contributed to us having and maintaining excellent relations with both the police and all the local security companies, as they know that we are available and able to provide help at any scene, and not get in the way.”

The area under the RNW jurisdiction is rich in natural areas, including the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Roodekrans Ridge, Kloofendal Nature Reserve, and the Manie Mulder Adventure Centre.

“With this in mind, we’ve established a sub-division that is active in conservation and protecting our natural resources.

“Together with the Sugarbush Coalition, we have managed to permanently employ two full-time rangers. We undertake regular clean-up operations, and we regularly remove poachers’ snares.”

Oberlechner adds that in the past year, they have removed more than 5 000 illegal snares in the area.

In addition, the RNW keeps a close eye on all sewerage infrastructure along the Muldersdrift-se-loop, which runs through the entire area, including the Walter Sisulu National Garden, reporting any leakages or faults immediately.

“This has resulted in probably one of the cleanest, least polluted streams in the entire West Rand.”

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