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RiverWel RA celebrates 28 years

The RiverWel Residents Association is celebrating their achievements over the past 28 years.

The RiverWel Residents Association (RA) has over the years maintained their reputation as one of the most effective community organisations of its kind in the Northside, actively looking out for the interests of their area, and addressing problems head-on.

Among the regular activities of the RA, are cleanup and defoliating projects in and around the various greenbelts that crisscross the area, monitoring vagrants, the maintenance of palisade fencing around greenbelt areas, the regular clearing of debris that tend to cause blockages under the various bridges in the area and assisting residents with communication with the various entities.

Like the rest of the Northside, the area has, in recent weeks, been undergoing many electricity and water supply problems, and regular communication with residents on their dedicated community groups ensured the effective spread of relevant, up-to-date information throughout.

According to RiverWel RA committee member Kevin Thomson, the RA has been in existence for 28 years and is going from strength to strength.

“We have some very dedicated members who are passionate about our area and its residents,” he says.

“Our various projects are well supported meaning we can effectively fund most of the necessary work within the community.

“We work closely with the structures of the Honeydew Sector 2 Community Policing Forum, and we have recently formalised our affiliation with Joburg CAN, which is a division of the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, through which we hope to further develop our service to our members and the local community.”

RiverWel RA is very proud of its continued support of the local police through its annual donation of Christmas lunches for police officers on duty on Christmas day.

“They look after us, so why should we not look after them as well?” Thomson asked.

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