Roodepoort local goes down the crafting rabbit hole

Local creative blossoms during break from work, and shares her creations with the community.

Vidhya Gopal has always enjoyed being creative.

“However in my line of work there was just no time between continuous learning and other responsibilities,” she explained.

That all changed last year when she took a short sabbatical from work to focus on her creativity.

“It was my time to express myself and be creative – which brought me so much joy!” grinned Vidhya.

She started with wire and bead sun catchers and soon scoured the internet, Pinterest, and YouTube for ideas and inspiration.

“I started buying materials and created a variety of different pieces,” she explained.

Before Gopal knew it her home was filled with her creations and she knew she had to start selling some.

“My very first market was at Ngwenya Glass Village and I hope it is only the first of many to come. I plan to constantly bring in new and beautiful products and hope the ideas and inspiration keep on flowing,” she concluded.

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