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Parking bays to be removed on north side of Ham Street in Witpoortjie following another crash

Crash after crash; the notorious intersection between Generaal Pienaar Avenue and Ham Street raises many eyebrows.

Another accident on the corner of General Pienaar Avenue and Ham Street has residents in the area questioning when it will end.

On the afternoon of September 20, a motorcycle collided with a white Volvo at the intersection between General Pienaar Avenue and Ham Street, which is known as a notorious hotspot for not only fender benders but injuries and even life lost.

The Volvo involved in the collision on September 20.

The Roodepoort Record asked the Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA) for comment regarding these continuous accidents and if more safety measures can be put in place to prevent them.

• Also read: Accident at Generaal Pienaar avenue and Ham street crossing

On May 12, the Record reported on the findings by JRA after they conducted traffic counts at the notorious intersection on May 2.

On September 24 an accident at the crossing claimed the life of a motorcyclist. Photo: Thabisile Mgwali.

Their response was, “Traffic numbers at the intersection still did not warrant the intersection’s conversion into a multi-way stop. We request motorists to adhere to traffic rules and so ensure the safety of all road users.”

• Also read: Motorcyclist dies in Witpoortjie accident

Today, the intersection continues to be a concern to passing motorists.

Aside from the surrounding houses, there are also numerous schools in the area as well as businesses.

A motorcyclist lost his life after a collision at the intersection on September 24.

In addition, other streets within the ward are getting traffic measures including Minnaar Street in Davidsonville where rumble strips will be added as well as Reitz Road and Prosperity Road in Grobler Park where speed humps will be added. In Cabot Avenue in Lindhaven, speed humps will be added and further traffic calming measures will also be added in Moller Street in Witpoortjie.

Ward 71 councillor René Benjamin explained the measures were put in place after residents were given petitions to be signed by those affected by the traffic concerns. The Petition Committee then judges the petitions and requests before getting JRA’s input on whether or not it is possible to undertake and if it can be done in the financial period.

“If JRA gives the go-ahead then approval as received is provided. The project will then be undertaken by the regional office,” said Benjamin.

A Toyota Corolla collided with a Mercedes-Benz on May 3.

She continued, “The most common concern is the speeding that takes place on the roads within the ward – we are not unique to this. It is also not necessarily accidents but the speed of vehicles and the drivers not stopping at stop streets but using them as go-slow signs.”

• Also read:  Another accident along Generaal Pienaar Avenue

Regarding the concerns raised about the crossing between General Pienaar Avenue and Ham Street, she responded, “If the residents have submitted petitions then they may still be in the process of adjudication by the Section 79 Petitions committee. If they have not then it will not be given attention. There are stop signs in the middle of the crossover which was done about two years ago or longer, due to vehicle accidents at the intersection, that is all JRA was willing to do there. I know that residents want the parking area on General Pienaar Avenue removed so that there is better visibility when crossing over.”

Fender bender on May 3.

Lucia Mhlanga, JRA spokesperson said, “As JRA has stated in the past that General Pienaar Street is a Class 3 Major Arterial Road and that traffic calming using speed humps will not be allowed as per the specifications of the South African Road Traffic Signs Manual and the Policy of the City of Johannesburg. Following the inquiry from the Record, JRA has been on-site to establish the types of remedial actions that should be implemented or put into place to remedy the situation. Following the site visit, a request will be forwarded to the relevant parties for assistance in removing the first two parking bays next to the median island, on the northern side of Ham Street. This alteration should improve the sight distance towards the north.”

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