Traffic management system outside primary school in Weltevreden Park restored

New signage with larger cones have been installed to ensure a smoother morning commute.

Community pressure ensured that streamlined calm resumed.

In May, a traffic diversion that had been in place for over 20 years was abruptly removed by JMPD. The diversion allowed for one-way traffic down Cockspur Road towards Krinkhout Avenue and Jim Fouche Road between peak drop-off and pick-up times. The result was a chaotic scrum twice daily as parents and school transporters squeezed past each other in congested streets and intersections.

New signage was installed to cement in place the traffic diversion. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

An incident where a child was struck by a vehicle outside the school in June prompted parents and activists to apply pressure on responsible entities. Charice Rocha, a transporter of learners, began a petition which received several hundred signatures. By the beginning of the third term, notification was sent by JMPD that they had reviewed their decision and that the traffic diversion would be reinstated.

• Also read: Removal of one-way traffic flow causing headaches outside primary school

The new term opened with larger red cones with clear signage as well as permanent street signs indicating the daily weekday times.

Traffic diversion is in place on Cockspur Road streamlining traffic. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

Proud to have assisted in bringing order to Cockspur Road, Charice said, “I didn’t think that one person could make a difference but it shows what we can accomplish. If all residents pulled together in the same way, imagine what could be achieved.”

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