Florida South Residents’ Association embarks on clean-up ahead of pool opening

The once-loved go-to swimming pool for summertime fun is in the process of being restored to its original shape and is said to reopen for the summer season.

The Florida Lake swimming pool has been closed for about five years now and residents are uncertain as to whether it will ever open again.

That was until Florida South Residents’ Association (FSRA) along with community members and business owners jumped in to revamp the once-loved lakeside park.

According to Rodney Churchyard, chairperson of FSRA, the pool has been closed due to maintenance budget issues and the pool also had a crack in its infrastructure and needed a specialist for repairs. The 2020 Covid-19 year saw further delays in the restoration process.

The clean-up operation saw City Parks provisioning compost, a sponsorship of plants and lawns for the inside pool area, and other sponsorships needed – with the entrance to the pool being painted by the community members.

“In a nutshell, what had happened was that we’ve [FSRA] approached the Department of Sports and Recreation and asked them if we could put our stamp on the outside, but there is still a lot of work to do,” Churchyard cited and further stated that they could only think of a clean-up once the contractor has started maintenance – otherwise their efforts would have been in vain.

For the day of the opening – which has not officially been announced yet – FSRA said that they do have elaborate plans to re-welcome the community and said that they envision home-made, locally produced stall stands being set up in the pathway and are excited to see families and friends having fun in the summertime.

“We are hoping that with a combined effort of the city and its residents that we can keep our kids and families swimming for years to come,” Churchyard said.

It must be reiterated that FSRA cannot declare the pool open as it must be done by the relevant city departments.

More updates to follow.

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