Local youngsters give their opinion on Women’s Day

Our future men and women explain what a successful woman is to them and who they look up to.

The Roodepoort Record asked children from various schools what they think a successful woman is and who they look up to. These children gave inspirational and heartfelt answers about the women they admire most and why.

• Danidee Potgieter: “’n Vrou wat nooit opgee nie en wat altyd doen wat bes is vir haar. My ma, sy doen wat bes is vir haar en sy is baie sterk en so ook haar hart. Ek glo sy kan alles doen, al is daar iets in haar pad.”

Danidee Potgieter, a Grade Three learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Prince Ndamase: “’n Suksesvolle vrou gee om en sy sien as iemand haar wil gebruik, net soos my ma, sy staan op vir my nes ek vir haar moet opstaan.”

Prince Ndamase, a Grade Three learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Dé-Hagen Pearson: “n Vrou wat omgee vir die mense wat haar liefhet en kyk na die mense wat haar liefhet, maar ook vir haarself omgee en sy kan ‘n goeie werk doen en steeds daar wees. My ma en ouma, sy is altyd daar vir my en ry my rond en kom haal my as ons toneel doen en my ma kyk na ons.”

Dé-Hagen Pearson, a Grade Six learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Chanique van Schoor: “’n Vrou wat ‘n werk het, wat weet om na haar kinders te kyk, wat lief is vir haar man en kinders en ‘n vrou wat weet hoe om vir hulle te sorg. My ma, sy is altyd daar vir my, sy help my altyd wanneer ek haar nodig het, op my moeilike en gelukkige oomblikke en ek kan altyd op haar staatmaak om na my te kyk en my te help.”

Chanique van Schoor, a Grade Six learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Keagan Grobler: “”n Vrou soos my ma, as ons iets nodig het kry sy dit vir ons en as ons nie vervoer het nie reël sy dadelik. My ma doen net alles vir ons wat sy kan.”

Keagan Grobler, a Grade Seven learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Omolema Cwaile: “’n Vrou wat wys dat sy hard werk en iets belangrik doen vir haar omgewing. Dat sy haar stem gebruik om te sê wat sy voel. My ma, sy is een van die sterkste mense wat ek ken, sy is altyd daar vir my en sy weet altyd wat om te doen, sy kan ‘n plan maak in twee sekondes en dit inspireer my regtig om so te wees en om baie hard te werk en ook vir my familie te kan sorg en omgee oor myself.”

Omolema Cwaile, a Grade Seven learner at Laerskool Dr Havinga.

• Layken Johnson: “A successful woman is independent, not afraid to speak her mind, always there for people, never afraid to say what she wants. I look up to my mom because as a single parent, she is always there for me and my siblings and always there for the family and never afraid t say what she wants to say.”

Layken Johnson, a learner at Roodepoort Primary School.

• Tehandre Malungani: “Someone who’s independent, someone who never gives up on her dreams and makes them a reality, a go-getter who pushes to higher heights, and someone who’s not afraid of challenges. Someone who believes in themselves and never gives up on opportunities. My cousin inspires me, she always said her dream was to become a doctor and she made her dream a reality.”

Tehandre Malungani, a learner at Roodepoort Primary School.

• Christo Kenosi: “Sy is die een wat die mes aan die lem vashou, sy is die pilaar van krag. As jy ‘n vrou leer, leer jy ‘n nasie. Ek is trots op of vroulike sokkerspan, Banyana Banyana, want hulle wys hoe vasberade en hardwerkend ‘n vrou kan wees. Ons is wie ons is as gevolg van vroue, ons eer en koester hulle bestaan. Ek kyk op na my ma, want sy doen alles, sy is die beste vrou wat ek al ontmoet het.”

Christo Kenosi, a student at Roodepoort Primary School.

• Bokamoso Bereng: “A successful woman is someone who achieved her dreams. I look up to my aunt, she is the best. She wanted to become a therapist and now she is a therapist for marriage in church.”

Bokamoso Bereng, a learner at Roodepoort Primary School.

• Vhuthuhawe Mudcunga: “A successful woman is a woman who believes in herself and works hard to fulfill her dreams and is not afraid to speak out and appreciate what she has. She doesn’t care what her struggles are, she doesn’t give up on her dreams. My mother has always been there when I needed her most and always believed that I will be a successful man.”

Vhuthuhawe Mudcunga, a learner at Roodepoort Primary School.

• Johannes Rachuene: “A successful woman is someone educational, a hard worker, and a role model to other women, she is independent, a helper, never scared to speak up and she is always ready to complete her goals in a good way. If she is in a mess, she does everything she can to fix it. She puts bread on the table for her children and family, she doesn’t depend on anyone but herself, and she doesn’t compare herself to others. My mom is a successful woman as she is always ready to complete her goals and if I need something she will take money from her savings to buy me something I need. She always works hard, she helps us in the mornings to go to school and helps herself with work and she also goes to school.”

Johannes Rachuene, a learner at Roodepoort Primary School.
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