Mandisa inspired through reading

Teachers from various districts come together to discuss the best manner in which to encourage reading.

Mandisa Mpembe, Departmental Head at Arthur Matthews Primary, was one of the selected few to attend the Progress in Reading and Literacy Study (PIRLS) national meeting held on June 5, known as the minister’s dialogue.

Mandisa stated only a few people from each district or province were chosen to attend the meeting.

“I was honored, grateful, in fact, and humbled by the fact that throughout so many schools, I was chosen to be part of that because it was quite an experience, where even universities were there to help assist in this current problem that we all find ourselves in and then we were able to speak and have dialogue and come up with ways on how to best improve the reading fluency in South Africa that children start reading for meaning,” said Mandisa.

She went on to explain the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, alerted them to the necessity of encouraging reading within the community.

Mandisa went on to explain reading is important for children: “For little children, their academic performance is affected if they can’t read and understand a question that was given to them. So, to be a reader means you are exploring a world that you have never been to. You’re also finding yourself understanding better, so reading is something we all need and to be encouraged.”

She herself was a bookworm. Coming from a rural area she had difficulty understanding and speaking English, after a teacher advised her to read more she found herself being more confident in speaking the language and understanding it. She also explains as a child her sister would read to her and tell her tales which she believes to be the key to encouraging children to read, by starting at home.

Mandisa concluded she was inspired by the meeting to encourage young readers and she also had the opportunity to learn from others.

“We need to encourage reading more, we need to make it fun and we need to have campaigns,” she said.

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