Ebenezer Psychiatric Home struggling without funding

Ebenezer Home is unable to do its part for the community without much-needed funding.

Ebenezer Psychiatric Home is a non-profit organisation (NPO) aimed at helping those with mental difficulty. For the past three months, however, they have had difficulty with funding.

Gaenor Oosthuizen, who helps with fundraising for the home explained they haven’t received money from the Department of Health since February. She went on to say Charmaine Hennings, the director for the home has been supporting them financially out of her own pocket so they could keep their doors open. They have done some fundraising events and they sell the arts and crafts they make in the workshop, however, it has been a struggle.

Andrew Allen shows off the jam he cooks for the home. Photo: Chanté Bolton.

Oosthuizen explained the Department of Health wanted to stop funding to NPOs completely, however after they marched in front of the department’s offices on April 20, the department agreed to continue funding for NPOs, but Ebenezer home is yet to receive any. Oosthuizen also explained they need bed subsidies from the government to support the residents.

They have two houses on the property in which residents stay in. Currently, they have 24 patients and two day patients. They have three employees responsible for the cooking and cleaning of the two houses as well as a gardener and people responsible for the maintenance, they have a workshop manager, an assistant PA, a director, and two people responsible for fundraising.

They are having difficulty with paying their bills and buying essentials. Kerry von Buddenbrock, also responsible for fundraising for the home, explained sponsors have been helping them with vegetables and butter, however, they are struggling to buy other foods and cleaning supplies.

Melissa Hamilton shows the mosaic they sell to get funding. Photo: Chanté Bolton.

They are currently in need of rice, sugar, milk, bread, oil, pasta, canned foods, dishwashing liquid, fabric softener and bleach. They are also asking for any person willing to sponsor them to help with the overall functioning of the home, help with paying the bills and affording the employees’ salaries.

Oosthuizen also mentioned they are having difficulties with getting the correct medicine. She explained a patients suffering from mental struggles cannot change their medicine and generic medicine does not work the same as the prescribed medicine.

Any person wanting to contribute to their cause can contact Oosthuizen on 079 910 5922.

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