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Claw rescues pit bull kept in cage

Pit bull rescued after being left alone in a dirty enclosure.

Community Led Animal Welfare (Claw) rescued a pit bull from a ‘particularly bad’ situation, this past Sunday.

On May 21, Cora Bailey was responding to a different call regarding an injured animal when they discovered the horrific circumstance a dog was in and were promptly asked to intervene.

According to Bailey, the dog was being kept in a cage filled with garbage, when and if it received food, it was just thrown over and its water was allegedly lowered over the gate. It was noted by Bailey that the pit bull has spent most of its life in the cage since it had been put in there as a puppy. This means it has never experienced human contact or contact with other animals and has never even been for a walk.

Michelle Weedman and Makwenkwe Zwide with the rescued pit bull. Photo: Supplied.

To get access to the dog, the owner had to climb over the two fences, breaking them down in the process. Stunned, Bailey added that the owner was afraid of his dog, but despite all the owner put his dog through, it still tried to get affection from him.

Bailey stated they are in the process of deworming the dog and they are ‘building him up slowly with good food’. They still need to sterilise the dog as well.

The dog is only a year old and has been through a terrible ordeal. Photo: Chanté Bolton.

After that they would have to socialise the dog, seeing that it was left alone for so long, and when it is around people, it gets overly excited, so much so that it injured its tail and they then had to tape it up. They are also in the process of creating an open area for it, as it is currently in a hospital cage.

Bailey concluded they haven’t given the dog a name yet, however, she thought ‘Survivor’ would be fitting.

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