Biscuits made with love

The biscuits are unquestionably labours of love, coming from a place of hope and joy.

While Christmas is usually associated with a lot of tinsel, home-cooked meals, bright lights, and a lot of gifts – this article truly resonates with the act of giving, or rather bringing joy to others.

In 2010, a single mother of one began learning the art of baking with the intention of baking her daughter’s birthday cakes herself, adding a personal touch to the joyous celebrations.

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“I found myself a mom to a little girl who I knew would bring a lot of joy to our lives,” Kim Parry explained.

She knew that as a single mother, money would be tight, but she wanted to be able to give her daughter personalised birthday cakes while also supporting Baker Days at her daughter’s nursery school. Kim found inspiration on YouTube and Pinterest, “I remember looking at these videos and photos and thinking, ‘Wow! If they can do it, so can I’.”

Also read: Vanilla Snap Biscuits made in under an hour

Kim discovered the art of iced biscuits as she delved deeper into the rabbit-hole of baked goods. Kim experimented with these popular biscuits through delicious trials and error. As her enthusiasm for the craft grew, so did the number of customers who supported her. Kim decided to start a Facebook page at the end of 2016 to share her joy and passion with her community.

“It is most emphatically not about the money for me. It brings me great joy to be able to give these biscuits to people in my community and close to me to enjoy and celebrate their special occasions,” Kim elaborated.

These biscuits have made not only Kim happy, but also the people who eat them. A small act of kindness can sometimes snowball into something bigger and more hopeful.

“I’ve been driving around with extra biscuits, handing them out to car guards and people on the road in the hopes of spreading some joy.”

Kim hopes to use her story and her passion to show single mothers that they can achieve their goals and dreams by pursuing their passion.

“I enjoy teaching people how to make these iced biscuits, and my dream is to open a café where people can come and decorate their own biscuits,” Kim continued.

Kim shared a recipe with our readers, explaining how her passion began:
1 New Mommy,
1 Little girl,
Lots of Love,
Handfuls of Desire,
Sprig of Passion,
Bubbles of Joy,
Giggles of Laughter,
Topped with creativity.
Take one little girl and add to the mommy. Mix in the desire to make all her birthday cakes. Cream in the nursery school baker days. Whisk in bubbles of joy and laughter. Fold in Love and Passion. Allow to ripen. Decorate with creativity and finally, Serve with confidence.

Kim gives all glory to God and explains how she would not be where she is today without His guiding hand, faith, and hope.

Kim Parry with a jar of her famous iced biscuits.


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