Calling all wrestling fans!

Wrestling fans are invited to APWA's Wrestle Madness 1.

Picture it, South Africa 30 years ago, two young, masked kids get into a wrestling ring and put on a show in intermission at a wrestling show.

This is the catalyst for a friendly rivalry that has spanned a generation. Those two boys. Ananzi and PJ Black have left a large footprint in the professional wrestling industry. Their professional careers going through different paths, but their friendship always remaining strong.

But there were questions, whispers and discussions behind hands about who is the best? Which one of these guys is truly the best professional wrestler of the current generation?

On December 9 another chapter will be written during APWA’s Wrestle Madness 1, an event named in honour of the late Paul Lloyd Senior, but there will be an added twist. The man both wrestlers idolised, Tornado will be the special guest referee. He was there, all those years ago when those kids were in the ring, and it is he who will oversee the latest chapter in the saga of Two Tornados.

For the past few months Zizou Middoux and Thierry Middoux have been engaging in a terror campaign against the hottest commodity on the South African wrestling scene – Alex Desire. Buying referees, waging social media warfare, and generally making his life a living hell. Once that was done, they took from Alex what was most precious to him, the APWA Performance Championship.

Now, hell bent on revenge, Alex Desire Requested his specialty match, to end the vile tyranny of the Middoux’s a ladder match. No amount of “referee” buying or interference from Thierry will stop Alex from reclaiming what is rightfully his.

In 15 years, Loudmouth has achieved a lot in professional wrestling, The first double champion in APWA; the first two-time tag team champion. The one thing he hasn’t been able to do is beat Kilimanjaro. You know Kilimanjaro, the former CPW All Africa and Tag Team Champion, the man mountain, with all this experience around him has defeated Loudmouth 17 times in the ring. The sternest test awaits the Loudmouth, will this be the end of the title reign interrupted by Covid-19, or will the size and presence of Kilimanjaro be too much for the Mouth?

Three young men will be vying for the right to challenge the APWA Performance Championship; two men who have held the title and a one that is hungry for the opportunity to do so. However, something has flipped a switch; while the interactions between Super Dragon, AJ Edwards and Matthew Hammar have been cordial, there are rumours swirling around that someone has been stirring the pot and while the three are friendly, there will be fingers pointed at who is the one stirring the to speak.

There will also be a women’s match between Kira and Latisha. Will these two settle their rivalry or is this just the beginning of something that started out friendly but has escalated very to venom very quickly?

The event will be held at the Danie Van Zyl Centre, corner Rex and Plantation Streets in Newlands. Doors open at 18:30 and tickets are R50. Food and merchandise will be available.

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