Keep your pets safe during festivities!

With Diwali on our doorstep and Guy Fawkes around the corner, we need to plan ahead to keep our beloved pets safe from the traumatic experience of fireworks.

As we near the end of the year, it’s time to celebrate once more. Most pet owners, however, will not be celebrating.

With Diwali on our doorstep and Guy Fawkes around the corner, we need to plan ahead to keep our beloved pets safe from the traumatic experience of fireworks.

During this time, we must be vigilant and aware of our own pets’ well-being. We can’t stop the festivities, but we can be prepared for them.

Kitty Kazz, a local cat rescue, shared some tips for keeping your pets safe during the festivities:

* Keep all of your pets inside and stay with them.
* Close all of your doors, windows, and curtains. Take extra precautions to keep your gates closed and locked.
* Asking your veterinarian for a pet sedative and following the instructions would be ideal.
* Keep all of your pets in one room, for example, sit with them on the couch with the TV on or some soothing music playing to drown out some of the noise.
* Get them some tasty treats and toys to keep their minds off the noise.
* If you are driving around and see any stray animals, please pick them up, keep them safe until morning, and post pictures of them in local groups before taking them to your nearest vet. There will always be irresponsible pet owners who do not protect their animals. If they go missing, it could cost them their lives.
* Please leave your pets with a pet sitter or book them into a boarding facility if you are going out to celebrate.

Kitty Kazz wishes everyone a Happy and Blessed Diwali.

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