Community urged to donate towards teenager’s surgery

On the day of the matric farewell, although in a lot of pain, Gabi put up a brave face and spent a few hours there and came straight home.

Accepting support from friends and family is something that many people can initially find difficult to do but determined parents always find means to improve their children’s situation.

Eighteen-year-old Gabi Symons from Lindhaven was badly injured on Sunday, October 9 and her uncle agreed to pay for her to see a private doctor at Life Flora Clinic.

After the doctor examined her, her mother was told that she will need an operation and her uncle could not afford the estimated R70 000 to R80 000.

The Hoërskool Bastion learner is very special to her uncle, aunt and nephews and if they had that kind of money, they would pay in a heartbeat.

“She’s my life and I love her more than words or feelings that can ever describe,” said Gabi’s mother Chantelle Boshoff.

The doctor wrote a referral letter to Helen Joseph Hospital and Gaby had been there since Sunday evening, October 9.

According to Chantelle her daughter only received a paracetamol drip and after 1am on Monday, October 10, she had to lie in a cubicle until after 10am.

When Chantelle visited her daughter, she told her that the hospital hadn’t operated on her yet and has only been given pain medication.

“The surgeon told her that she might only operate on Thursday, October 13 and if not Thursday then Monday, October 17,” said Chantelle.

Gabi’s matric farewell was held on Thursday, October 13 and it was very important to her to attend because she had won a matric farewell competition.

“The reason she won is because of the motivational letter that she wrote, it was so heart-breaking and beautiful at the same time. She has been through so much emotional upheavals in her short life, therefore I’m on my knees begging for help as she really needs this surgery. The money will go straight to the hospital if anyone decides to help, if the funds are raised, it will give my daughter a better quality of life, I can’t see my daughter suffering this way,” said Chantelle.

On the day of the matric farewell, although in a lot of pain, Gabi put up a brave face and spent a few hours there and came straight home.

She finally saw a general surgeon at Netcare Pinehaven on Friday, October 14 and was told that she needs surgery and it was an emergency.

Chantelle said that she is not happy with the care her daughter received at Helen Joseph Hospital.

“When she was discharged on the October 13, she was told to be back on October 18 but there’s no guarantee that she will be operated on that day. I was really concerned so I phoned the general surgeon at Netcare and was told to bring her in urgently. After speaking to Gabi and examining her, he told us that she needs surgery and it was an emergency. Gabi isn’t on a medical aid so I had to wait for the quote from Netcare Hospital, from the surgeon and from the anesthetist,” explained Chantelle.

In the meantime, Gabi was taken home and once the quotes were received, her mother had to make an urgent plan for funds.

The funds were paid, but Chantelle needs to pay back the money as soon as Gabi’s Backabuddy campaign pays the funds raised so far.

Gabi had surgery late in the afternoon on October 14 and was discharged on the next day.

The surgeon examined her again on October 17 explained what was done in surgery, she has been put on strong pain medication and two different types of medication.

According to Chantelle, the doctor can’t tell yet what further medical stuff needs to be done in the future.

“Gabi needs to see the doctor October 21 and might need a procedure done if something regarding personal stuff doesn’t happen by then. She wants to say something to the community at a bit later stage, she’s very uncomfortable. The one evening when Gabi was back home, she said that the whole experience at Helen Joseph Hospital opened her eyes and made her grateful for what she has. It’s so sad that government hospitals are in such a state, Gabi had been at Helen Joseph since the October 9 and according to the nurses, she was given antibiotics for the first time on the October 12 but Gabi has said that’s not correct, the only medicine she was given was paracetamol drips and saline drips,” Chantelle said.

Members of the community who would like to donate on Gabi’s Backabuddy campaign can use the link: or call her mother on 081 817 2263

Gabi Symons on a hospital bed. Photo: Supplied.
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