
PRA tackles pothole-ridden streets

The Panorama@Work team has taken it upon themselves to repair potholes within their area.

After more than a year of logging calls with the Johannesburg Roads Agency, fed-up residents of Weltevreden Park decided to take on the task of effecting minor road repairs themselves.

“We as the community are always asked to do the right thing,” says Michael Steyn, deputy chairperson of the Panorama Residents Association (PRA). “We have been doing that and unfortunately, zero attention or attendance has been given to us over the past few months.

“We have been logging endless calls with Johannesburg Roads Agency to attend to potholes and reinstatement issues some of which have been going on for more than a year.

“Today [June 1] we decided enough is enough and we tackled these issues by ourselves, and with the assistance of local business, Full Spectrum Hire, which sponsored a plate compactor for the day, it was made possible,” says Steyn.

The PRA’s Panorama@Work team got started at 7:00 to beat the traffic, tackling the numerous potholes in the busy streets of Weltevreden Park.

“JG Strydom was the first road which we tended to, and we managed to fill all the big potholes that were formed due to the heavy traffic that this road is subjected to at the moment.

“One of our biggest projects was the trench left by unknown contractors on the corner of JG Strydom Road and Bergkaree Avenue. These holes were recently filled by someone with a dump truck, which is a danger in itself.

“For three weeks JRA has promised to send a team to make it safe, but sadly this has not happened. It took 600kg of tar to close up this trench and make the road safe for our residents.”

The team then moved their attention to Albert Street as well as Althea, which sported some big potholes.

Streets like Rooisering, Matumie, Besembos, Sonneblom, Bluegrass, Adamson Crescent, and Toy Avenue also received some love from the team, and are now safer to use.

“A total of 2 100kg tar was used to fix the potholes,” says Steyn. “We as a community are sick and tired of having to beg and plead with CoJ entities to do their jobs. If they can’t do it, then watch us do it ourselves.”

Steyn has renewed calls for residents of Weltevreden Park and surrounds to join the PRA.

“If you want to join the most active and involved residents association in the West Rand then get in contact with us at

“For only R250 per year, you receive access to our excellent Panorama@Work team, but also our info and emergency WhatsApp group.”

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