Long-awaited road repair finally commences

JRA repairs a road that was damaged five years ago and has been deteriorating ever since.

Residents of Bathurst Avenue and Zwartland Street in Grobler Park can finally breathe a sigh of relief as repairs have finally begun on their streets.

After five years of what was more like an abandoned road, the Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA) has finally taken action to address the concerns and requests of residents and local councillors and is now commencing with the long-overdue repair of the road.

The road has been graded. Photo: Nkosephayo Vilakazi.

According to Ward 70 councillor René Benjamin, a powerful storm in 2019 caused significant damage, and these streets were completely eroded causing cracks, potholes, and uneven surfaces. Since then, the condition of the road has continued to deteriorate, causing inconvenience and frustration for the residents.

The repairs started on May 8, with the grading of the road, which is a crucial first step to preparing the surface for the final layer of tarring. Once the grading is completed, the road will be tarred, restoring it to a safer and smoother condition for all residents and motorists.

The condition of the road for the past five years.

“I understand that this has been a long-awaited and much-needed improvement. I appreciate the residents’ patience and understanding throughout this process and am pleased to see that the repair work has finally begun. We are optimistic that with the JRA’s commitment, we will soon have a repaired and improved Bathurst Avenue and Zwartland Street that we can all be proud of,” she said.

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