
Florida Block Watch holds clean-up project

The Florida Block Watch Community Association has partnered with the KCCC Foundation to hold regular community clean-up projects throughout the Florida area.

Members of the Florida Block Watch Community Forum (FBW) took part in a community clean-up operation on March 9.

Teams targeted the curbs adjacent to Florida Albion Football Club, in Havenga Road, mowing the overgrown grass, removing weeds, and picking up litter.

According to FBW chairperson John Kirsten, the organisation is involved in many community projects to uplift and secure the area.

“We have partnered with the KCCC Foundation, a local faith-based community organisation that offers help, support and rehabilitation for addicts,” says Kirsten.

“Part of the rehabilitation process is integrating former addicts back into society through skills development and helping them gain employment. We are one of the organisations that provide regular jobs for the KCCC teams, who help us with labour.”

According to Kirsten, projects like these can only be successful with the help of the community.

“We receive a lot of help from residents, local businesses, and schools, but this is an ongoing project, and the more input from the community, the more effective we can be.

“Even if you just sponsor a meal or some refreshments for the team.”

Kirsten says anything is welcome. For more information, or to become involved with the FBW, visit their website.

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