No water a way of life for residents from Roodepoort West

Residents have become so used to only having water for a few hours during the night for more than two years that it is a part of their daily routine now.

After more than two years of struggling with low water pressure and no water during the day, it has become a way of life for residents of the area.

Resident Heather Murley explained the issue with their water has been going on for so long that she had to sit and think for a minute and realised it has been more than two years. She continued their water pressure is so low, they only get water between 00:00 and 04:00.

“It is a constant battle for water. During the day we have no water, if you want to bathe you have to do it at night. My husband and I always have to decide whether we are going to stay up until 00:00 or go to bed and wake up before 4:00,” stated Murley.

The day the Roodepoort Record went to see her, she had to get up at 03:00 just to take a bath before meeting with the journalist. She added that, on weekends they are lucky enough to get water until 5:00 as people wake up a bit later.

Heather Murley shows the water they collect daily to use throughout the day.

She said that she and her husband are both pensioners and are home all day, with no water. It is also difficult to carry numerous bottles and buckets of water for the day. She explained she has a bucket with wheels that she drags across the floor to flush the toilet. She added she has a 25l bucket for the toilet and 10 5l bottles for drinking for cooking for them and their dogs. She explained at night when there is water, they try to collect as much of it.

She added that they have to buy water for drinking as the water that they do have has an unpleasant taste similar to iron. Her biggest concern however is not just the expenses of buying water, but also her geyser. She noted her son installed a solar geyser for her, but, because they can’t use the water, it boils over and she loses about 150l of water.

She noted she is concerned about cleaning her house, she is not going to wash the walls or clean the carpets in the middle of the night and the water they save is for consumption purposes.

She stated that it had previously been reported and that the water returned for about a month before continuing as it does today.

“I wish they’d fix it for us. We’re so used to it by now, it is a way of life. It needs to stop. We are paying our bills,” said Hurley.

The Record reached out to Joburg Water which has failed to comment on the issue with the pressure and lack of water in the area nor why it has been a concern for so long.

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