
Firearm thief arrested

A man was arrested after robbing a security guard of his firearm on Thursday, February 22.

An on-duty security guard was relieved of his firearm and shot in Delarey on the evening of February 22. Unlucky for the perpetrator, the security officer survived the attack and he was able to relay the details of the getaway vehicle used in the shooting.

Beagle Watch Security’s crime specialist, Leon van Zyl, who managed to obtain the information on Friday morning, loaded the details of the suspect’s vehicle into their license plate recognition system. Using their vast network of CCTV resources, he started tracking the vehicle.

“We started receiving hits on the vehicle at around 10:30,” says Van Zyl. “Our intelligence indicated that the vehicle was active in the Parkview area.”

Beagle Watch MD Andre Aiton.

Fellow crime specialist Jacques Morton set out immediately and with continual updates from the Beagle Watch CCTV department, they went to work searching for the vehicle.

After a short while, the vehicle was spotted and Morton, with backup from area manager Chris Nolte, managed to apprehend the suspect.

“We notified the Sophiatown police, and upon their arrival, handed the suspect over to them,” says Morton.

“This was the third successful arrest by the Beagle Watch CCTV team and Crime Prevention Unit in a week,” says MD Andre Aiton.

“We are incredibly proud of our teams’ achievements and are grateful that we can make a real difference in the communities we serve.”

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