
7 Reasons to have your eyes and your children’s eyes tested

Schedule an eye exam today at Urban Optik

  1. Changes in the quality of your vision

Any changes in the quality or blurring of your vision; near or far warrants a comprehensive eye examination. Age, hereditary factors, medical conditions and more can all contribute to changes in your eyesight, so it is important to regularly check whether your vision has altered. Lifestyle choices, such as your job, if you’re in front of a computer screen for prolonged periods of time, can also affect your vision.

  1. Eye disease or systemic illnesses

There are many eye diseases that can go undetected; some of them serious enough to cause blindness, such as glaucoma. There are eye diseases that are caused by systemic illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension, so it is very important that your eyes are tested regularly especially if you have any systemic illnesses. It is important to note that more than 75% cases of blindness are preventable if identified in time.

  1. Children’s vision

Many times, children do not complain to their parents that they may be having problems with their vision. Good vision is essential for learning and can negatively impact a child’s learning, performance in sports, well being and even social skills.

  1. Eye discomfort and headaches

An eye exam can help you understand why you have headaches, eye strain, fatigue, dryness, discomfort, or any visual issues and help you resolve them for a better quality of life.

  1. Poor vision can be dangerous

This is something not many people consider, but an eye test can save your life. When your vision is poor because your prescription has changed (or for any other clinical reason) you become dangerous for yourself and others. Driving safely can be seriously affected by poor vision.

  1. Sight deteriorates with age

As you age, changes occur in your vision such as difficulty with near vision (from around age 45) and changes in prescription. Certain eye diseases are age related, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which makes it imperative that as you get older that you have your eyes tested regularly.

  1. Eye exams can help to detect other health issues

An eye exam can help to detect health complications that are not even directly related to your eyes. Many people who find out that they have serious health conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer during routine eye exams.

Don’t delay – schedule an eye exam today at

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Neo Magasa

Neo Magasa is a Strategic Digital Marketer, Hypnotic Copy Writer, Project Manager and Consultant in Online Marketing for Global & Nationwide Media Organizations.

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