Once in a blue moon … Roodepoorters share their pictures

ONLINEHEAD: Once in a blue moon … Roodepoorters share their pictures Roodepoort / Ruimsig / Poortview — Residents from across Roodepoort eagerly took out their cameras, phones, and other recording devices to capture a snapshot of the second full moon of August. The Super Blue Moon, as experts call it, is called this not only

Residents from across Roodepoort eagerly took out their cameras, phones, and other recording devices to capture a snapshot of the second full moon of August.

The Super Blue Moon, as experts call it, is called this not only because it’s the second full moon of August, hence the blue in the name – no, the moon did not shine blue – but also because the moon appeared bigger than normal on August 30.

This was the third of four supermoons in a row. It might just be the biggest, and closest full supermoon of 2023.

Look at some of the pictures taken by the community:



Charmaine Weare took this snapshot of the super blue moon on August 30.
Pieter du Plessis’ photo of the moon.
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