Rest Ur Ass hosts Valentine’s Day picnic with the donkeys!

Over 100 couples spent the evening under the stars with the Rest Ur Ass team, a romantic movie, and the many donkeys at the sanctuary.

The air was filled with love and a chorus of donkey brays at Rest Ur Ass Donkey Sanctuary’s Valentine’s Day Picnic and Movie event.

Guests were offered sparkling wine and candy floss as part of their Valentine’s evening.

The donkeys eagerly greeted every couple as they made their way through to the sanctuary’s gardens.

Esmarié van der Merwe feeding the donkeys.

The field, usually filled with market stalls or cars lined up during one of the infamous drive-in movie nights, was covered in camping chairs and picnic blankets.

Yolanda and Lloreen le Roux with some of the goodies guests at the picnic received.

More than 100 couples spent the evening under the stars with the Rest Ur Ass team, a romantic movie, and the many donkeys at the sanctuary.

Estelle and Leon van der Merwe.

Guests were able to eat some popcorn, drink a slush puppy and enjoy a night out with their loved ones in a beautiful and safe environment while simultaneously supporting one of their local non-profit animal sanctuaries. It was a win-win on all fronts.

Anne Bond with the donkeys.

READ MORE: Trinityhouse Little Falls visits Rest Ur Ass Donkey Sanctuary

RUA is well-known for its friendly and very cheeky donkeys, wonderful family-friendly markets, and movie nights where the community can go and escape the pressures of city life.

ALSO READ: Rest Ur Ass with a movie night

Albert le Roux with some of the freshly made steak rolls.
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