Dios Los Ninos grateful for a successful 2022 and a return to normal

Principal Leonie Leppich reflects on the past 12 months

Principal of Dios Los Ninos Private School, Leonie Leppich, reflects on positive 2022:

“The year 2022 has been an interesting year, to say the least. This has been a year where for the first time we were able to see who we are teaching in our classrooms. The day we didn’t have to wear masks anymore was a day of freedom. For two years we taught learners without being able to see their expressions, and emotions or even see the faces of new learners. All we could do was rely on our years of experience as educators.

“This year was exciting because for the first time we were able to arrange outings, school camps, a prize giving, and innings at schools and organise fun activities for our learners. The learners had the opportunity to experience laughter and true joy in the real sense of the word. There was no more stress of schools being closed, exams that had to be written earlier or online teaching which caused severe pressure on parents. We can all look back at 2022 and think of a year when we all had positive experiences.

“Yes, we suffered a lot of losses we have to overcome that were caused by Covid-19, but at least for the first time since 2020, we now have hope that there is a possibility to recover and get back what was lost during this time. When I have a glimpse at the photos we took this year, I have a smile on my face. I have peace in my heart knowing that things have changed for our learners and that it is at last a positive change. I am excited to see what 2023 has waiting for us!”

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