The farm comes to Nova Pioneer Ruimsig

Over the past few weeks, the Grade 2 learners have been learning all about farm animals as part of their Morning Meetings.

On Friday, October 14, the Grade 2 learners at Nova Pioneer Ruimsig were treated to a very interesting and informative presentation on farm animals. One of NPR’s parents, Yolande Steyn, who owns her own farm brought a few of her animals to school.

Yolande Steyn showing the children her chicken’s feathers.

Over the past few weeks, the Grade 2 learners have been learning all about farm animals as part of their Morning Meetings. At the beginning of the term, the teachers ask learners to provide a list of topics they would like to learn more about. The learners happily suggested a number of topics which ranged from space, insects, seasons, pollution, and farm animals.

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Each morning the teacher will discuss interesting facts about the respective topics and show videos. Learners are also encouraged to do further research at home on the topic. At the end of the week, the learners are expected to present a speech and poster on the topic that they learned about.

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When Steyn heard about farm animals, she very eagerly offered to bring a few of her animals to school. She brought a goat, duck, chickens, and a horse. Steyn discussed what they eat, how to take care of these animals, and interesting facts about farm animals. The learners were invited to interact with the animals.

“It was a wonderful experience for our learners as they learned so much about animals and became comfortable interacting with them. Since introducing this initiative at the beginning of the year, we have noticed an improvement in the learners’ vocabulary and general knowledge,” added Carla Hercules, NPR’s School Leader.

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