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Ogle Foundation honours Madiba

The Ogle Foundation has always been caring and compassionate towards the underprivileged members of society.

Mandela Day is an international day of honour, servitude and remembrance, celebrated each year in July. This year was no exception when The Ogle Foundation NPC paid a visit to a park on the corner of Paul Kruger Avenue and 6th Avenue in Roodepoort North.

Ogle Foundation volunteers dishing up a nutritious meal. Photo: Alanicka Lotriet.

This Foundation is no stranger to the area’s less fortunate community members as it works year-round throughout the West Rand to try to provide support, help and development opportunities to those in need.

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On Friday, July 22 these underprivileged members of society yet again were invited for some hot stew, pap and samp to ease the winter chill.

The Ogle Foundation team in action. Photo: Alanicka Lotriet.

“With the help of a few volunteers we managed to put together a nutritious meal for those who were hungry. Even though we try to reach out as often as possible, there is just something special about giving in honour of Madiba,” NPC founder, Patty Ogle said.

“People need to realise that they don’t need money to give – they need a heart. If someone doesn’t have anything to give, they can always volunteer, and give their time and compassion. Mandela Day is a good time to go back to basics and learn how to help someone else, without expecting anything in return.”

The Ogle Foundation team eager to serve their community. Photo: Alanicka Lotriet.

Each time around Patty and her team ensure they make enough to feed at least 100 to 120 people. During the outreach, the beneficiaries also received a cold drink, a hot dog to take home and some clothes that were donated to the NPC.

The recipients were thankful for the kind-hearted gesture and spent their Friday morning in the park, soaking up the sun and enjoying their meals.

“We are truly blessed to be a blessing to others. With this we hope to raise awareness in our community so more people can come on board. We want to continue to make a difference in the lives of those around us,” Patty concluded.

If you would like to volunteer for the foundation or donate any food, clothing or sanitary towels please contact Patty on 076 313 2247.

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