A step in the right direction

Should the community settle for the scraps of maintenance they receive every now and then?

Any positive change is a step in the right direction.

Residents in the Strubens Valley area were cautiously optimistic after noticing that JRA had fixed one of the ‘monster’ potholes on Florin Road with what appears to be groundwater/ storm water channelling being installed to prevent future potholes forming in that area. While this is a win for the community, there are still other potholes in the area that deserve the same level of attention.

An eyesore near Valley Kids Nursery School on Florin Road.
An exit point of the groundwater near one of the potholes the JRA fixed.

Less than a kilometre up the road is yet another gaping eyesore. What looks like a splash pool for tiny magical creatures can easily turn into a costly repair job for motorists using Florin Road. The water deceptively hides the depth and size of this hole on the side of the road, shaded by a tree.

The water draining/ channeling created to reduce underground water pressure.


The trench made for water excavation
Fixed pothole

Should the community settle for the scraps of maintenance they receive every now and then? Ward councillor Jacques Hoon encouraged the community to lodge complaints and follow up with their ward councillors to help create positive change. He added that positive change might be a slow process, but as long as change still happened, even on a small scale, the ward was moving in the right direction.

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