Remembered for his quiet presence that was always felt

“The loss is immense; a void that cannot be filled, but we take solace in the knowledge that he has been welcomed into Heaven by our Lord Jesus Christ, with the words we all long to hear when it's our turn – 'Well done my good and faithful servant'.''

Muldersdrift is a better place because Jaap Heesterbeek lived and led there. While the community and his family grieve the loss of an exceptional leader, the Northsider pays tribute to a man who believed that Farming God’s Way was part of God’s solution for Africa.

Jaap Heesterbeek. Photo: Supplied.

Jaap passed away on March 7 at the age of 71 after suffering a massive heart attack following two years of incessant stress.

Those who knew Jaap described him as a man of few words; however when he spoke it was guaranteed that people would listen.

Listening to the speakers at his memorial service, one found and became aware of the impact he has had on the people around him and the community as a whole.

He worked as a design engineer for many years and received three international awards for his excellence.

According to his wife of 46 years and soul mate Wilma Heesterbeek, his favourite activity at the end of the day was taking the dogs for a walk.

Wilma said that although her husband was a man of few words, his writings were extraordinary wise and deep, which is why they will be compiled into a book.

“He was in the top 3 throughout his school career. His teachers used to say that if they could give more than 100% for essays they would have given it to Jaap. The loss is immense; a void that cannot be filled, but we take solace in the knowledge that he has been welcomed into Heaven by our Lord Jesus Christ, with the words we all long to hear when it’s our turn – ‘Well done my good and faithful servant’. The support I have from my family and circle of friends is amazing,” said Wilma.


Jaap served as an elder at Community Ministries for many years, he set up the Farming God’s Way (FGW) gardens, and was active in many outreaches within the direct surroundings and further afield.

Jane Ngoma and Jaap Heesterbeek at the Gardens of Faithfulness. Photo: Thabisile Mgwali.

He was also an integral part of the enormous food distribution efforts during the crisis months of Covid-19.

For years, Jaap and his wife led a weekly home-cell meeting where there was always enough food for yet another person.


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