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Sinkhole raises concerns for Weltevreden Park community

"We have reported the matter with JRA who have taken it up with both Rand Water and Johannesburg Water."

As heavy rain continue to wreak havoc in various parts of Gauteng and surrounding areas, the Weltevreden Park community and motorists fear for their lives as a sinkhole at the verge of 9th Avenue at the T-junction with Snelskaats Street continues to expand.

Dave Baxter, chairperson of the Honeydew CPF Sector 2 and Panorama Residents Association (PRA) believes that the sinkhole might be caused by a leaking Rand Water F46 pipeline.

According to Dave he and Lawrence Maseko from Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) noticed water dripping from a pipeline, and Rand Water claimed it to be a Johannesburg Water pipeline.

“It looks to me more like the F46 pipeline but it is said that this pipeline is not yet operative, which I don’t think will ever be.

“We have reported the matter with JRA, which had taken it up with both Rand Water and Johannesburg Water.

“Rand Water was on site and claimed that it was not their pipe even though it is directly in line with where their new pipe is placed.

“These are the PRA’s greatest concerns and we are a little bit sick and tired of the unreliable contractors as the job should have been done two or three years ago,” said Dave.

Dave Baxter next to the sinkhole. Photo: Supplied.

He told the Northsider that the main concern of the community is the integrity of the road as a road had collapsed in the area before.

The sinkhole was noticed when one of EC Security’s signs was standing at a strange angle, and upon closer inspection the massive hole was discovered.

“We don’t know what the surface under the road looks like but it is of great concern because that road has collapsed before,” said Dave.

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