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Neville Solomon leads Florida Lake clean-up initiative

Blessed with the finest of facilities, much of the area on the Fourth Road bank of Florida Lake is an unsightly waste of potential.

Open spaces and recreational amenities are the outward reflection of a community.

Heidi Banks cleaning up at the Florida Lake Tennis Club. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

Blessed with the finest of facilities, much of the area on the Fourth Road bank of Florida Lake is an unsightly waste of potential. Led by Neville Solomon and his fellow crusaders against litter and filth, they cleaned up the grass area around the dilapidated Florida Tennis Club and Florida Swimming Pool, February 12. Ward 70 councillor, Caleb Finn, arranged bags from Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo and the team systematically went about their business.

Cleaning up at the Florida Lake Tennis Club. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

One of Neville’s biggest concerns is the amount of litter that fills the park. Every square metre has some or other piece of plastic or glass, and one notable challenge is the lack of rubbish bins in the area. Only one small metal mesh drum dots the large park, giving little incentive for park-goers to be environmentally conscious. Broken glass bottles, often disposed-of alcohol bottles, are among the chief culprits.

Heidi Banks cleaning up at the Florida Lake Tennis Club. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale.

Those hearing Neville’s call to get to the lake for the clean-up were all long-time residents of the area. All wish to have the space to enjoy the scenic surrounds and hand over a pristine park to the generations to come. Neville is championing a campaign to ‘Make Florida Great Again’ and is calling on anyone who shares his vision of a clean and drug-free Florida to engage in innovative ways to improve the surroundings.

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