Pre-Christmas shopping checklist

Avoid the stress with this pre-Christmas shopping checklist

“I still have time” is a sentence many a Christmas shoppers have uttered as the festive season draws closer and closer, only to not have time and end up shopping at the last minute. Christmas shopping has become an extreme sport; besides the consumers’ demands and countless ‘deals’ – and don’t get me started on the frenzy that is Black Friday. The entire experience can be overwhelming.

Getting a head-start on your Christmas shopping, be it food or presents, can not only save you time and money but will leave you with tons of time to enjoy what the season is really about. Over-eating and napping … I mean … family.

Make lists: Who do you intent to gift, and what might they like? If you are hosting or planning a Christmas menu, start making your grocery list as well. Start with the non-perishables and leave fresh ingredients till last.

Pick thoughtful gifts: This will also give you time to consider what each person wants or might appreciate as a gift. Try to find something that is really unique or something that was on their wish list.

Spread your budget: Buy holiday gifts ahead of time to avoid over-spending. For instance, you could buy one or two gifts per month long before the festive season. Setting a budget also eases the shock that follows a spiralling shopping spree.

Shop online: Shopping from the comfort of your home can ease the stress and anxiety of large crowds. It also affords you time to really browse through different products and compare prices without worrying about a store closing. Keep in mind that there might be shipping delays during the festive season, so plan accordingly.

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