Here’s how you can help the less fortunate

If you are passionate about contributing to a good cause, look no further than the Ogle Foundation NPC.

Life isn’t about possessions and accomplishments. It’s about what you’ve done with those things – what you have given back. It’s about caring enough for others and seizing the opportunity when you have the chance to do some good.

If you are passionate about contributing to a good cause, look no further than the Ogle Foundation NPC that’s committed to making a difference in the lives of those in dire need.

The Foundation, situated in Horison procures local people to ensure sustainable development as well as to eradicate poverty. This is also in line with the best interest of the South African Government.

“Our aim is to try and bring hope in a hopeless situation. To be a light to the lives of underprivileged children from vulnerable communities,” explained founder Patty Ogle.

As Christmas is fast approaching, they appeal to the community to assist them by donating to their upcoming Christmas Eve Feeding cause.

According to Patty they are in need of items such as non-perishable foods, clothing, toys and sanitary pads, as well as volunteers who are willing to donate their time on Christmas Eve.

“Any donations will be greatly appreciated as we are looking at feeding and assisting between 300 and 500 people on this day,” she said.

Community members are welcome to drop off their donations at 20 Raath Street in Horison. The donation can also be collected upon request. If you would like to know more, feel free to contact Patty on 076 313 2247.

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