Pikitup distributes bins in Zandspruit

The rubbish bins are being distributed to every RDP house in Zandspruit to stop illegal dumping

Residents of Zandspruit Extensions 9 and 10 received brand-new refuse bins from Pikitup on December 10. This was the first time that residents in the area received these bins as well as adequate refuse removal.

James Madiba, Khumbuzile Kolisi, Nomvula Tile, Tebogo Mangena and Edith Ndlovu. Photo: Alice Mpholo

Khumbuzile Kolisi, a member of Pikitup’s management team said every resident in an RDP house would receive a free bin. “We have always been in the process of distributing bins to Zandspruit residents who have officially been given RDP houses. This goes hand in glove with us servicing them. Not the whole informal settlement will receive bins, only houses that are registered under the City of Johannesburg as RDP houses. Every Wednesday we can come and collect the bin like in other residential areas.”

Emma Chiloane said she feels happy and relieved to have a bin because she will not have to walk a long distance to throw away rubbish. Photo: Alice Mpholo

Kolisi explained that the bins would also go a long way in eradicating illegal dumping. “The bins are also a way to stop the illegal dumping in Zandspruit. Most of the domestic waste is dumped on street corners. If residents can get these bins, then we are assured that it is going to increase the amount of waste that goes to the landfill and reduce the amount of waste you find exposed on street corners.”

Charmaine Alexander from Pikitup signs over a new bin to Nomvula Tile. Photo: Alice Mpholo

The distribution of bins began on Wednesday, December 8 and the process will continue until every RDP house has its own bin.

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